New Rolex crown tube part B24-6020-1-G1 1806, 5502, 5018, 5700, 5701, 6239, 6241, 6422
Brand: Rolex
Availability: out of stock-
New tube with gasket for Rolex watches for following models: 1806, 5502, 5018, 5700, 5701, 6239, 6241, 6422, 6444, 6480, 7020, 7024, 90813, 9111, 9121, 1016, 1500, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1600, 16000, 16003, 16008, 16009, 1601, 16013, 16014, 16018, 16019, 1602, 16030, 16058, 1607, 1610, 1611, 16250, 16253, 16258, 1655, 17000, 17013, 17014, 18018, 1802, 1803, 18038, 18039, 1804, 18078, 18079, 18108, 1811, 18129, 18139, 19018, 19028, 19038, 19058 and 19148
Tags: crown, rolex, gasket, tube, 1601, 1600, 16000, 16014, 16019, 16030, 16250, 16003, 16008, 16013, 16018, 16058, 16253, 16258, 1602, 1607, 1610, Watches, 1016, 16009, 17000, 17013, 17014, 18018, 18038, 18039, 18078, 18079, 18129, 18139, 19018, 19028, 19038, 19058, 1655, 1500, 5700, 1503, 6239, 6241, 9111, 9121, 6422, 6480, 1501, 1806, 5502, 5018, 5701, 6444, 7020, 7024, 90813, 1505, 1611, 1802, 1803, 1804, 18108, 1811
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